Live-streaming can be a fantastic tool to help your club engage with their community and raise their profile.

We recommend checking in with your governing body to learn about any regulations or practices in place before live-streaming.

As part of our community streaming partnership with Cricket Australia, we encourage all of our Australian customers to read through recently updated Community Streaming guidelines that have been developed by the community cricket team at Cricket Australia. These are available here:

To further support the wider embracing of live streaming and collectively make it safe for our customers to do so, we have made the following key changes:

  • FrogBox YouTube events will be defaulted as ‘made for kids’ live events, which sets the YouTube comments and chat to Off.
  • Matches identified as junior matches within the PlayHQ competition management system will be categorised as ‘unlisted’ FrogBox streams, meaning only viewers within your network can access your junior match live streams, as a result of two key changes:
    • YouTube events will be defaulted as unlisted events. Unlisted is a setting for videos that can be viewed and shared by anyone with the link to that particular video, but prevents the video from showing up in YouTube search results or other tabs.
    • The Play Cricket App will replicate the YouTube unlisted feature. Your FrogBox match can be viewed and shared by anyone with the link to that particular FrogBox match, but the YouTube video will not show up against the match in the Play Cricket App

How does this impact streaming junior matches on FrogBox in Australia?

Customers who are streaming junior matches will be able to share the direct YouTube link to ensure players, parents, members and supporters never miss a moment. To assist in this change, our support team will provide you with your unlisted match links ahead of each weekends match. If you have any enquiries regarding how to gain and share your YouTube link then please get in contact with the FrogBox support team.

Best practices for streaming safely:

  1. When streaming junior matches, ensure you engage with junior parents beforehand, explain the reasons and the benefits that live streaming can bring to the enjoyment of participating. Address parent/guardian concerns upfront and prior to streaming a match involving children
  2. Before the match, capture the consent of all match participants including opposition participants and umpires.
  3. Place signage on match day to indicate live streaming is in progress. This helps notify any attendees/passers-by, and also provides a warning to anyone sitting near the equipment that their conversations may be picked up by the camera.