PlayHQ currently supports streaming for matches up to 2 days. If you are looking to stream matches lasting for 3 or 4 days (includes reserve days), there are a couple of adjustments that you need to make to the match dates in your PlayHQ account.

As an admin of PlayHQ, you will need to do the following.

For a 3-Day Match:

  • Keep the date for Day 1 of the match as it is.
  • Set the date for Day 2 to Day 3 of the match.

For a 4-Day Match:

  • Keep the date for Day 1 of the match as it is.
  • Set the date for Day 2 to Day 4 of the match.

Once these adjustments are made, please submit a ticket here, and we will assist you further in scheduling these games.

Please note that these adjustments must be made before the match starts to ensure your match streaming functions correctly without any interruptions.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.