We do not recommend fully extending the tripod mast in windy conditions (i.e. >30km/hr). Keep in mind also that sudden gusts of wind may result in excessive swaying and potentially topple the mast if not secured correctly. When using the mast at lower heights, its best to lower the topmost sections and use the lower sections as they will be the most stable.



Mast positioning & wind direction

When setting up the mast it is best to orientate the legs so one of the legs is opposed to the prevailing wind direction.  

For example, in the diagram on the left, the wind is coming from the direction as indicated by the arrow marked (1). The leg marked as item (2) is then placed opposing the prevailing wind.

Extending the centre pole so it touches the ground, item (4) can also improve stability.

We highly recommend anchoring the mast legs via either metal pegs or sandbags.

Anchoring mast legs - Pegs

If anchoring the mast legs with pegs, its best to select a heavy-duty stainless steel or galvanised peg or J Pin that is between 30-40cm in length. It’s a good idea to secure all three struts as shown in the picture on the left. These can be purchased from local hardware or camping stores.

Anchoring mast legs - Sandbags

Sandbags can also be used to secure the mast legs by placing over the leg (as shown in the picture on the left) or on the inside strut. 10kg saddle bags work best and aim to secure at least two of the legs depending on the direction of the wind. These can be purchased from local hardware, camping or photography stores.